Amazon, FB, Google suppress competition, favour their products: US govt panel

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New documents include internal Facebook documents, which show the company views itself as dominant in the social networking market and isolating itself from competitive threats.

“Other newly-released documents include Google Internal Communications Demonstrating How it Leverages its control over the Android Mobile Operating System to Prevent Smartphone Manufacturers from Introducing Products or Services that compete with google Tuesday.Amazon’s internal document shows how Amazon misusing its dominance of e-commerce to force third party sellers to buy other services from Amazon, such as fulfillment and distribution.

“From Amazon and Facebook to Google and Apple, there is no question that this unathered technological giant has become too big to care and too strong to ever put people on profits,” said Deputy Chairman of the Antitrust Sub-Committee, Pramila Jayapal (D- WA).”This report is clear: it’s time for the congress to act to protect consumers and promote competition. The final monopoly of my final platform will be an important step towards curbing the power of major technology,” he added.

The report arose when the US parliament members encouraged to approve stronger antimonopoly laws at the end of the year.The 450 page report detailed findings and recommendations from the Bipartisan investigation which included seven congress audiences, almost 1.3 million internal documents and communication from the company being investigated and submissions from 38 antimonopoly experts.

“The findings and recommendations clearly show that it has been a long time for the congress to impose meaningful updates to our antimonopoly law to overcome the lack of competition in the digital market and the power of the dominant platform monopoly such as Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google,” said the Chair of the Justice Committee Parliament, Jerrold Nadler (D-NY).The public wants the congress to act, and there are laws that are ready for voting on the DPR and Senate floors. I ask for leadership to move this law quickly,” Nadler added.

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